Cooperate with us!

We are committed to accompanying our customers and partners, including businesses and government agencies, in their digital transformation journey and EKYC application. We not only provide advanced solutions and services but also actively listen and understand the specific needs of each partner. This enables us to optimize processes and solutions to ensure that every step of the digitization journey is carried out most efficiently.
Cooperate with us!

Outstanding quality - Reasonable costs!

We have a team of experienced and highly skilled experts dedicated to researching, innovating, and delivering breakthrough solutions that fully meet our customers' requirements and desires. With deep understanding of technology and relentless creative spirit, we are committed to providing the most superior products and services at the most reasonable costs to enhance business efficiency and facilitate sustainable development for our customers.

Advanced technology

Advanced technology

VMG eKYC is developed based on the most advanced AI 4.0 technology such as OCR, NFC, Compare, Liveness Detection.

Protecting personal information

Protecting personal information

VMGeKYC technology applies the most advanced security measures to ensure the safety of user information.

Optimized costs

Optimized costs

VMGeKYC provides customers with high-quality services at the most optimized costs.

Business customers

We provide services to business customers in various sectors including Banking, Securities, Finance, Healthcare, Hospitality, Education, Retail, Logistics, and Notary, etc.

Government departments clients

We offer services to government clients such as Ministries and Departments who wish to implement eKYC solutions to digitize and streamline administrative procedures.